creativity · inspiration · streamofconsciousness · Wayward Word

Wednesday’s Wayward Word: Misfit

The Wayward Word is a writing exercise based on theme inspired by a word I’m currently digging. It’s essentially a free association piece as I focus on the word of the day and all it reminds me of. My hope is that it prompts you to consider an idea or inspires you to think of ways to celebrate the word theme in a fun, provocative way.

Today, we honor the soul of the misfit.

Where’s your will to be weird, Jim Morrison implored. Dare to be different. Our most memorable and interesting teachers are often the most eccentric ones.  Write your own Misfit Manifesto. Study and immerse yourself in what makes you feel peculiar. We’re all mad here. Adore a crazy cat lady. Challenge the establishment. When was the last time you let your freak flag fly? Read S.E. Hinton’s book, The Outsiders. Embrace what makes you odd. Stop trying to fit your square peg into society’s round hole. Find someone whose idiosyncrasies mesh well with yours and never let them go. Listen to Le Freak by Chic and let the funk flow through you.  March to the (off)beat music of your own drum. We are the weirdos, mister.

“Misfits are remarkably good at invention, reinvention. Innovation in the face of what other people might see as failure. We are resilient; we don’t just survive, we invent how to thrive. Misfits know how to help others…”

Lidia Yuknavitch
creativity · music · pop culture · tipsy tuesday

Tipsy Tuesday: Write The Pain Away

Tipsy Tuesday is all about offering information on something I’ve found to be helpful, useful or worthy of giving a try. Tips may vary in their category and theme; some may be geared toward enhancing creativity, some will center on business or entrepreneurial topics, while others may be more generalized and fit under a “Life Hack-ish” umbrella.  In any case, my hope is these spark some thought and motivate you to try new things. 🙂

Today’s theme is Memoirs.

It’s a misconception that a person has to be famous to pen a memoir. Memoirs are also often confused with the autobiography genre, and while the two share similarities and scope, there are a few nuances that differentiate between the two. A memoir is not meant to depict a person’s entire life. Instead, it shares a glimpse of a life and highlights a particular theme from which the author has extracted meaning.

Many individuals who write memoirs are also the types of people who like posing questions, and this quality suggests a particular personality trait inherent to writers, especially memoirists. Posing questions is inherent in wanting to understand one’s past experiences.

A couple of years ago, I got swept up in the Netflix movie, “The Dirt”, the biopic of glam-band Motley Crue. I was super intrigued by the book it was based upon and then discovered the memoir written by bassist Nikki Sixx titled “The Heroin Diaries”. Holy crap, what a dark and chaotic ride that read was.

The Heroin Diaries is a solid example of the memoir medium. It offers a glimpse into a year in the life of Nikki Sixx, a year in which he was consumed and nearly ruined by his addictions. He tells his story through transcriptions of journal entries he kept at that time.

Even if you’ve never done heroin or have not endured any serious addictions, what is something in your life you’ve overcome or risen above from? Was there a time in your life when you felt you’d never get past a bad time, traumatic event or had to deal with adversity? Perhaps you’ve accomplished something in spite of the odds being stacked against you. What is an important lesson you’ve learned through various experiences or themes encountered in your life so far? You may have a story inside you that touches on a philosophy you were taught from family, friends, teachers, or even strangers you’ve met along the way.

The most important tip when in comes to writing a memoir is to be honest. Your memoir is your truth, whatever that may mean for you. Its not necessarily about unleashing revenge on those who may have wronged you, but rather, it is about what you learned in spite of being wronged or hurt. A good memoir shares reflections and showcases insights gained from a certain lived experience.

I often think about writing a memoir of my own, just for me. It’s not so much about sharing it with the world as it is about making meaning of some of the odd, beautifully painful, delightfully destructive, and miraculously enlightening moments I’ve experienced in my life so far. I feel like it would be an exercise in healing, and let’s face it, a little healing goes a long way.


Dark Nights of the Soul

By 5 pm in upstate NY, the sky is the color of ink. In the weeks before the Winter Solstice arrives on December 21, each day grows shorter and shorter. This is the season often dreaded for its predominant hours of darkness. Yet, there is a quiet beauty that can be found in these times of the dark as winter descends upon us. We can use the darker season to as an opportunity to evaluate the health of our shadow self.

In Dark Nights of the Soul, Thomas Moore writes: “I see a dark night of the soul as a period of transformation. It is more like a stage in alchemy than an obstacle to happiness…we are not out to solve the dark night, but to be enriched by it.” Shadow work has gotten a lot of attention in recent years in the online spiritual community and on social media, and there’s a lot of information out there, so I’m not going to get into its intricacies or processes here. But for those interested in learning more, allow me to defer to the wonderful resource that is Kelly-Ann Maddox and her in-depth video series on Shadow Work on YouTube.

If you’d like to spend some time this month contemplating on what these dark nights (literally and/or metaphorically) might be able to teach you, I’ve put together some elements for a ritual to aid in understanding and honoring your own inner darkness and shadow self. I should also preface by saying my approach to ritual is pretty unstructured for the most part. Some might say its not really a ritual if there is no specific format. I am guided intuitively and don’t necessarily prescribe to any particular path of paganism or specific sect of witchy arts and practices. In my younger years, I devoured many books on Wicca and witchcraft, but then decided I needed to carve out my own spiritual path. It is an ever-evolving one too. I bring this up as a disclaimer of sorts: I am not here to tell you what spiritual direction you should take or to follow my lead. Rather, it is my hope that you will find inspiration from what I share and then take it and mold it however you desire to fit your own needs. I like to think I’m planting seeds for self-discovery and exploration. I can’t tell you what to do or exactly how to do it, but I can try to encourage you to figure out a way that makes sense for you.

So when I talk about ritual, know that in my humble opinion, there is no fixed way to go about it. Take only the elements that resonate for you and don’t be afraid to tweak and make it your own. I will explain why I chose some of the items for this ritual, but you may have a different view. Feel free to add something if you feel it needs to be included. This is all about taking time for yourself, creating a few sacred moments to sit with some concepts and figure out what they mean for you.

Minimally, for this ritual, I would recommend having a journal or notebook on hand so you can respond to some of the questions outlined below or record your impressions of the ritual and how you feel going about it. I also encourage you to bring along a deck of tarot cards and your favorite crystal or stones. You may also wish to light a white candle, if possible. Everything else below is essentially secondary and as I mentioned earlier, you can substitute items as you see fit. The additional elements listed below are simply extra suggestions for you.

1. Intentions are about what you hope to achieve and serve as a focus for you to provide a framework to guide your workings. This ritual was designed around themes of promoting self-reflection, finding insights (illumination) and exploring how our shadow self can sometimes assist us in gaining answers or solutions.

2. I like to burn incense or use essential oils or herb mixtures to help set the tone in a ritual. For me, a good ritual involves bringing in elements that speak to the senses. Incorporating scent is a great way to do this. I chose the herbs/scents of patchouli, sage and rosemary for their particular properties: patchouli for relaxation and helping to alleviate negativity, sage for protection, and rosemary for properties of protection and purification. You can use any or all of these in incense stick form, oils, loose herbs, whatever is most practical and resonates most for you. If you have any of these available in loose herb form, you may wish to place them in a sachet, small bag or even in an envelope with your crystal to keep on hand after your ritual.

3. Animal energy. I love considering how various animals are associated with certain traits and how their symbolism can be tapped into via images, statues, totems, talismans, or jewelry. I chose raven for its representation of darkness and the nighttime as well as for prompting introspection. Spider is for awakening creativity and helping to face fears, and snake for properties of healing, transformation and to encourage “shedding” of old ways that no longer are helpful. If you don’t have a statue, figurine or some other solid representative form of any of these, find a picture to mediate on. Artistic types may feel inspired to draw/paint or create a collage around one or more of these animals. Think about what needs to be healed in you and what fears and old thought patterns need to be released when you’re focusing on the animal. Write about these in your notebook.

4. I like using black tourmaline and selenite stones in this ritual. Black tourmaline is known for its protective, cleansing and grounding energies and selenite is very calming and great for purification and cleansing. Snowflake obsidian is another favorite for releasing blocked energies and promoting healing. Rose quartz is an all-around gentle and loving stone. If you don’t have any of these crystals or stones, you can substitute a clear quartz piece. The way I suggest using a crystal in this type of ritual is to place it in front of you, or hold it in your hand, and spend a few minutes gazing at it. What does it remind you of? Is there something about the coloring, texture, shape that stands out? Is there a memory that comes up? Does it make you feel any particular emotion? Or perhaps you’ve chosen one of these or your own stone for other metaphysical associations, and if so, think about those themes and how they play a part in your life right now. Write it all down. The point of the exercise is to just relax and let your mind wander.

5. Tarot is probably my favorite element for ritual or meditative purposes, if you haven’t already guessed. More often than not, I tend to build a ritual session around a card or cards whose symbolism or energy stirs me to dig deeper. When I think of a “dark night of the soul”, I almost immediately see the 9 of Swords tarot card. The mental anguish is almost palpable in the imagery.

For this part of the ritual exercise, take the suggested tarot card or cards and lay them out in front of you. If you aren’t familiar with their traditional meanings, look them up-but don’t get too caught up in the standard interpretations. Let your intuition guide you too. Pick one or two of the cards that resonate most with you and describe why you’re drawn to it in your notebook. Does the image make you feel uncomfortable? What words, feelings, thoughts and memories come to mind? How have you experienced these themes over the past year? What have you learned from them? If you currently feel stuck with negative card associations, try to look at the card from another point of view. For example, see if you can jot down one or two good things that can come from the situation. No tarot card is all good or bad in its inherent meaning; every card has degrees of meaning, as though the card is on a spectrum. And like the tarot card, life experiences have their own degrees of meaning too. Our perspective will certainly shape our interpretations of both the tarot and life.

6. Deities: I will admit, I don’t usually work with deity in my spiritual practice. I enjoy learning about different gods and goddesses and the mythologies behind them, but I haven’t really centered on any deity or pantheon for that matter. But I do feel incorporating this element can enhance the ritual experience. The goddess Hecate seems most aligned with the theme of a dark night of the soul ritual, as she is known as the “dark angel” according to Thomas Moore. Hecate represents ” a mysterious, socially challenging way of thinking and living that is ultimately liberating”, says Moore. She is both here and there, in between worlds and in the underworld. She is goddess of the crossroads, moon, night and light. Her story and energy can help to inspire letting go of the past, so that we can live more fully in the present and look forward to the future. You might consider reading up on Hecate or any of the other deities listed to learn about their mythology and symbolism. Jot in your notebook any key points you read about that interest you. Let the deity symbols and stories inspire you creatively and if you feel called to do so, create a space to display their symbols. This can be done in a physical space such as an altar, or even virtually like on Pinterest.

7. The root chakra is at the base of the spine, near the tailbone. It is associated with the color red and speaks to our need for survival, safety and security. Only in the past couple of years have I begun to really explore chakra meanings and how they relate to our physical and emotional well-being. I feel the inclusion of some very basic root chakra information is appropriate to note here. When the root chakra is off-balance, we tend to feel lost or rootless and have a hard time grounding ourselves. We may be feeling insecure and that we’ve lost our sense of stability in our lives. It might be hard to have trust in ourselves or in others. Anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, or frequently feeling fatigued are also symptoms of an unbalanced root chakra. Now is a good opportunity to consider the current state of your root chakra and you may want to take a look at this short video on a 5 minute root chakra meditation:

8. The final component for this ritual is about foods you can include that will help connect you to a more grounded state. It’s no coincidence that I’ve noted some foods that are typically red in color (such as beets, apples) as they are also good for root chakra healing. Typically the food portion of my rituals comes at the end. Its a nice way to just relax and enjoy something tasty that ties in with the spirit and theme of the ritual. If you include deity in your ritual, you might want to make a small food offering at this point as well.

I hope this ritual has given you some things to think about that may help you on your spiritual journey.


Full Moon On Steroids: Lunar Eclipse in Gemini

At 4:30 am EST on November 30, the moon in Gemini will become full and this ain’t no ordinary full moon. The moon will also undergo a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at around 4:44 am, and for astrology lovers and practitioners of witchery, this means the universe may very well have some surprises in store!

Full Moons are typically a time when emotional energy, feelings and our mental spheres are heightened. It’s a very powerful time to tap into dreams, the mystical and also to do some healing work if needed. Eclipses can boost our capacity for potent inner-transformations, as well as serve as a time for discovery, epiphanies and finding new truths or information. Full Lunar Eclipse Moons, as you might imagine, tend to amp up all of the above.

With the Full Moon in Gemini, it’s a really good time to consider how we communicate, both verbally and otherwise. Now is the time to reach out to others. Gemini can be a very social, communicative sign, so if there’s someone you’ve been feeling called to get in touch with, this would be an ideal time. Send a text, pick up the phone (does anyone still do that?), do a group Zoom chat, collaborate with your tribe. You might even be surprised to learn something new or discover something you hadn’t previously realized. Paralleled with the current open, flexible and optimistic Sagittarius Season energy, this Full Moon may prove to be quite an inspiring, electric astrological event!

It is also important to be mindful of falling into an “information overload” trap over this period. Eclipses have a way of shedding light on an issue and bringing this into sharper focus. Be cautious so as not to become too focused or obsessive about things that have been weighing on your mind lately (I’m feeling a bit of 9 of Swords energy here). Consider where you were in your life towards the end of this past May, when the New Moon was in Gemini. What were you hoping for and needing six months ago? What were you talking about, believing to be true then? Where do you stand now? What ideas are sounding exciting to you? Use this as an opportunity to creatively express yourself in the ways that make the most sense for you.


Empowering Each Other With The 3 of Cups

Today is the birth anniversary of author Louisa May Alcott, who wrote the classic novel Little Women. A time-honored favorite book for many generations, Little Women explores a variety of themes. For me, this is a story that delves into the meanings of sisterhood, kindred spirits, empowerment, and unity. I also happen to adore Alcott’s depictions of the daily details of life in New England during the American Civil War. There is something quite cozy and comforting in the way the day-to-day experiences were described.

I look to the 3 of Cups card to capture a glimpse of the joyfulness in female collaboration and friendships. In many of the more traditional Rider-Waite based decks, it is common to find the 3 of Cups is illustrated with three women dancing in a circle, holding up their chalices and embodying a vibe of celebration. It’s a feel-good card. It’s about kindness and community and feeling and sharing love. It also tells us of the ways we celebrate and support one another and inspires creative connections.

There are some tarot readers out there (hello, YouTube psychics) who tend to see or use 3 of Cups as a card foretelling of a “3rd party situation” in love relationships. I realize that a vast majority of online readers cater to relationship themed spreads and readings, but I always find it a bit comical that when the 3 of Cups card turns up, the mood often turns somber…”Uh-oh. There seems to be a third person involved here. Are you worried your partner might be cheating?” Good grief. Way to stir up insecurities in people. Look, I get it. A huge chunk of the demographic seeking advice through tarot card readings are typically looking for insight into a relationship. And chances are, the fact that they wish for guidance about their relationship, is a fairly good indicator that the seeker already is having some doubts or concerns. In fact, when the 3 of Cups shows up in reverse, it actually can indicate a sense of suspicion or mistrust surrounding the seeker’s situation. But I still find it morbidly curious how the 3 of Cups card in these circles has come to almost automatically symbolize infidelity, regardless of whether it turns up upright or reversed. What about reminding the seeker of their network of support and friends who might be a good resource for helping them work through their worries? Or maybe 3 of Cups arriving in these scenarios can be a prompt to encourage the seeker to look toward their other relationships and friendships for common themes that parallel their current situation? I don’t generally prefer to do standard “relationship readings”, but if the person I’m reading for is troubled by a love or personal relationship, I might use the 3 of Cups as an opportunity to suggest they connect with kindred spirits and other friends who bring out their sense of joy and creativity as a way to take the focus off of their relationship worries for a while. Sometimes, when we obsess over our relationships, we inadvertently bring more negativity into them, and we just need to step back and focus on what we can control about our own actions. Channel that anxiety into something productive, I say.

Ok, so that was a bit of a divergent path on where I’d planned to go with my take on the 3 of Cups today. This is what I really love about tarot though; when we pull the cards, we might start out with one notion and interpretation, but the more we dig, the more we uncover other elements and areas worth exploring. These are are all reflective of our own individual stories that are valuable and have lessons to teach us, if we remember to remain open to this concept. At the end of the day, there is no right or wrong card interpretation. Every reader has their own style, and more importantly, I feel that every seeker ultimately has the power within to use the cards in a way to teach them something about themselves.

“I like to help women help themselves, as that is, in my opinion, the best way to settle the woman question. Whatever we can do and do well we have a right to, and I don’t think any one will deny us.” ~ Louisa May Alcott

This is the spirit of 3 of Cups that I prefer to promote in today’s tarot card study. The themes of unity, collaboration, and being there for one another makes our days a lot more bearable. I’m grateful for the friendships I have with women who remind me to elevate myself and whose encouragement encircles me with loving empowerment.

Deck Used: Triple Goddess Tarot by Jaymi Elford 


You Can Go Your Own Way: The Spirit of the Sacred Fool

When I first drew this card, I admit I felt a little vulnerable. The woman depicted is naked and sitting on the floor in a seemingly protective pose. There is a sense of manipulation as she dangles the marionette by her side. Is she feeling used? Did she follow her instincts only to feel like a fool for doing what was in her heart? How does being a fool make one a rebel?

I certainly can recall times when I have acted on what I believed was true in my heart and then later learned I was pretty much way off-base. Those moments of cringe; yup, we’ve all got them. But when I really think about the times I’ve followed my heart and just put myself out there–regardless of the outcome–I can mostly say I’m proud that I had the guts to take such a chance. Because even if I didn’t get what I thought I wanted, I learned something important about myself and what it means to tap into a sense of fearlessness. There’s something very freeing about saying, “fuck it, let’s just do it and see what happens”. Maybe to some, it would seem careless or naïve to follow our hearts, but what if we thought of this approach as carefree and guileless instead? Doesn’t that sound much more encouraging?

It’s so easy to get wrapped up in cynicism these days. I confess that I do this myself and in fact, I would go as far as saying sometimes I hide behind cynicism. Maybe its a defense mechanism, or maybe it’s lazy thinking. There’s also the guise of protection: if we just assume the worst right off bat-then we won’t be as hurt when the worst comes true. But maybe its time to re-think this. What if assuming the worst just makes us more open to a self-fulfilling prophecy and therefore makes the outcome more likely to be negative if that’s the kind of energy we’re putting out there in the first place?

Like when I first pulled the Sacred Fool card earlier. My initial reaction was one that made me feel kind of anxious and I expected the guidebook message to be one of sadness or regret. Now, let me just say that when it comes to reading tarot or oracle cards, I do believe its important to pay attention to your gut reaction or first impressions and how the images make you feel. There is always meaning in the way you react to the cards, in fact, some say your intuitive reaction is the message itself. So the flash I had of “oh boy, what did she do to get herself into this mess?” when I first saw the image in the Sacred Fool is indeed, quite telling. Recently, I’m working on overcoming my own fear of vulnerability, so there is something there for me that’s worth paying attention to.

What is the Sacred Fool trying to tell us? There is almost something festive about this card; maybe its the colorful hat she’s wearing. Nonetheless, this card comes at an apt moment as we are immersing ourselves into the fullness of Sagittarius Season and the holidays are fast-approaching as well. Who better than the Sacred Fool to remind us of lightness of spirit and to embrace spontaneity as we go toward whatever our next big adventure is?

The sacred fool in you is willing to leave behind what has been because it no longer feels right to stay attached to it. The sacred fool in you trusts life recognizes that the mind is a monkey on puppet strings.  More often than not, it is cajoled into fear when it could be playfully dwelling in the radical spontaneity of life. So the scared fool in you urges your mind to let itself be pulled into joy by your heart strings, not into fear and doubt by the controlling machines of mass media (Alana Fairchild, Sacred Rebels Guidebook).

Ultimately, it takes a lot of guts to walk the path of the Sacred Fool. It isn’t always easy to act non-conventionally, even when our heart begs us to do so. None of us wants to fail in our endeavors or be judged by others. But the Sacred Fool is gently nudging us to let go of our attachments to outcomes and to the opinions of others. Now is the time to choose freely and honor our own vision. Go your own way and give yourself permission to be yourself. Dance merrily down the path that calls to your soul, and remember it can be very healing to not take it all too seriously.

Deck: Sacred Rebels Oracle by Alana Fairchild


Sagittarius Season: What Are You Seeking More Of?

Sagittarius Season asks us to consider what we wish to expand upon. This fiery, forward-moving energy is ideal for focusing on the ideas, projects, goals and passions where we desire to see growth and manifestation.

Here I’ve put together mini-readings for each of the astrological signs based within the context of Sagittarius Season energy. You may want to consider checking your rising and/or moon sign as well for additional or alternative insights on what to meditate upon.

Disclaimer: These readings are for entertainment purposes only; if something resonates with you, take it. If it doesn’t, simply move on.

Aries: Heart + Daughter of Wands

Oh Aries, you are so ready to be in and live in LOVE. You’re seeking more heart-centered experiences this season. Remember to also truly appreciate your life and what you already have as an act of self-love. When you learn to revel in an attitude of abundance, you open yourself up to transformative energy where love can’t help but grow. Sagittarius Season amplifies your feelings of vitality and makes you even more beautiful than you usually are. The Daughter of Wands is about being lost in our instinctive inspirations and renewed feelings of joy. You’re filled with wonder and stirring with new possibilities.

Taurus: Initiation + 9 of Pentacles

You’re being called to stand in your own power this season, Taurus. Challenges have been faced and you have risen above obstacles that have surfaced on your path. Now is the time for continued conscious creation and to also take a moment to honor your sense of self-reliance as the 9 of Pentacles reminds. It’s no secret Taureans love their creature comforts and this season offers opportunities for increased feelings of security, well-being, and comforts of home. Embrace the things in your life that make you happy.

Gemini: Fun + 5 of Pentacles

If ever there were a time when Gemini could benefit from some morale-boosting, spirit-lifting energy, this would be that time. 5 of Pentacles suggests you’ve been stuck in a cycle of worry or sadness and loss lately. In spite of this (or perhaps, because of this), you’ve also been learning how to be more patient, resourceful and trusting. Sagittarius Season is calling you to revitalize your spirit by indulging in something light-hearted and whimsical. What can you do to restore your playful soul? Tis the season for some joyful mischief-making.

Cancer: Beginnings + Justice

Cancer, you’ve been waiting for an opportunity to begin anew, and it’s finally here. This is the karmic, divinely balanced moment you’ve been destined for. Through the Justice card, you’ve learned that what you put out there comes back to you. You have a tendency to give of yourself for so long, with little if anything, returned to you. That’s about to change. You’ve paid your dues and are ready to move into a peaceful new beginning. Stay relaxed and focused as you weigh your opportunities. This season restores harmony and balance where it was previously depleted.

Leo: High Flying + 7 of Swords

Your momentum toward achieving your goals has been building, Leo. Your vibration is lifting higher as you strive toward becoming the best version of yourself. 7 of Swords is encouraging you to be aware of your surroundings and trust your intuition now more than ever. Thinking strategically will help you to accomplish what you’ve set out to do. Celebrate your individuality and keep carving out your own path toward personal renewal and satisfaction. What makes you, you? You have a lot to offer and remember, there is no one else like you.

Virgo: Storytelling + 5 of Wands

You create your own reality, Virgo. The stories we tell about ourselves and our experiences reflect who we are and how we perceive our place in the world. It would serve you well to remember that the universe responds to the energy we emit when we think about or speak about our experiences. What is the story you want to be known for? 5 of Wands reflects distracted energy; perhaps you’ve been feeling somewhat scattered lately. You also may be feeling resistance from those around you and it might seem like your position has been challenged. This is the time to meet those challenges head-on. Know your strengths and weaknesses and remain confident in what you believe in. Create the story that resonates with your highest self.

Libra: Decisions + Son of Pentacles

You need to commit to making a choice, Libra. Whatever you decide will set things in motion and you are determined to move forward. Choose what represents stability and warmth for you. Trust in your competence. Son of Pentacles focuses on acting practically and persistently. You may need to set boundaries so as not to be distracted from your plan.

Scorpio: Receiving Frequency + Daughter of Pentacles

What is your Truth and how do you keep yourself tuned into it, Scorpio? You usually know exactly what you want and how to go about getting it. You’re not afraid to work hard and people know you can be relied upon, as the Daughter of Pentacles represents commitment and stability . This season is asking you to consider what inspires your desires and the ways you remain open to receiving from the Universe. Your potential is limitless right now. and you are being called to enjoy sensual pleasures as well as practical ones. This is the season that reminds you of how blissful it is to be alive.

Sagittarius: Sacral Chakra + The High Priestess

Sagittarius, you have practically been burning with desire for creative expression and exploration. You know that this type of freedom to express yourself in your own unique, creative way is necessary for you to feel fulfilled. The High Priestess speaks about remaining quiet with inner-knowing and listening to your intuition. You’ve been going through a period of reflection, waiting, passivity, and healing. This is the season to connect your intuitive abilities to the way you express your passions, and use your own brand of creativity to share your loving energy –as the world really is in need of it.

Capricorn: Abundance + 8 of Swords

Capricorn is one of the hardest working signs in the zodiac and you’re so close to seeing your hard work to pay off. Yet as 8 of Swords reveals, you may recently have been feeling trapped or held back. Are your circumstances really so difficult or are you putting too much pressure on yourself? This is a time to have faith and consider shifting your thoughts toward more relaxing and positive vibes. Good energy and abundance can then develop and flow toward you.

Aquarius: Standstill + 3 of Swords

Aquarius, it seems you’ve had a rough go of it recently. Perhaps there’s been some painful news or truths you’ve been facing. Now is not a time to make any big decisions; instead pull back from the noise and chaos and just be still. See this time as a gift and an opportunity to reflect and enjoy the silence. Surrender to the beauty of a quiet mind so that you may mend your soul.

Pisces: Intuitive and Psychic Powers + Mother of Swords

Your perceptions are sharp and on point, Pisces. You tend to be naturally intuitive and lately, your innate ability to get to the heart of the matter is allowing you to go deeper and see more clearly. The Mother of Swords combines emotional awareness and keen intellect, and you seem to be tuned in on a higher level than usual. This Sagittarius Season is asking how can you use these skills to serve the highest good for you and for others? What wisdom and truths are you accessing right now? These will be key in helping you to transform your warmest desires into outcomes that bring the gifts of joy and peace to you and yours.

Decks Used: Connected and Free Oracle by Inner Hue | The Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans


It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

We are in need of ridiculous amounts of joy right now. 2020 is drawing to a close and I’d venture to say that the collective is pretty much over it already. As the pandemic rages on in many parts of the globe, the vast majority are feeling depleted. For some, their lives have changed in unimaginable ways and for those who have suffered or who have experienced personal losses due to the coronavirus, a small glimmer of joy and hope would feel simply miraculous.

Sagittarius Season is upon us. If there is a time of year when possibility, joy and hope are tangible, this is it. Sagittarius energy is all about expansion, growth, imagination and joyfulness. Its probably no coincidence that the weeks leading up to Christmas, Hanukah and Yule are during Sagittarius Season. From mid-November to mid December, the nights may be longer in the Northern Hemisphere, but there is also a flurry of activity and a growing sense of wonderment. This is a magical season, and Sagittarius is one of the most magical, wildly optimistic signs of the zodiac, if I do say so (why yes, I am biased).

In a year that continues to pose challenges for all of us, I still believe there are ways we can embrace enchantment by being reminded of the little ways life is still good. Perhaps this is one of the many lessons the pandemic has to teach us. For all of the gregariousness and merriment that embodies Sagittarius Season, we mustn’t forget that Sagittarius is also known for its philosophical and adaptable nature. While this year we may not be able to celebrate the season in the ways we’ve done in the past, we are prompted to consider why and how we will celebrate. It may be worth reflecting on what makes celebrations meaningful and whether we’ve reached a point where the commodification of the holiday season needs to be reevaluated.

Finally, consider the ways you wish to grow as an individual. What do you want to accomplish? What do you dream about but have been holding back on pursuing? How can you build on what is good in your life right now? Tap into the fiery passion of Sagittarius season to find inspiration and grow into the best version of yourself.


7 of Swords and The Lies We Tell

Sixteen years ago, one of my all-time favorite television shows premiered: House MD. In the very first episode, the philosophy of the brilliant but emotionally flawed Dr. Greg House was clearly stated, which was, “everybody lies”. Dr. House ingrained this belief into the minds and diagnostic practices of his staff and colleagues, and quite frankly, it was a useful approach when trying to decipher the patient’s medical issue. Some might say that over the seasons, House MD became a formulaic tv show. In truth, most episodes began with patients presenting to House and his team with mysterious symptoms, only for the team to initially rule out a diagnosis that was never the right one, and then through some fated, paradoxically synchronistic event, House would somehow figure out what the patient’s real problem was. And almost always, the patient would “leave out” some pertinent piece of information that if had been disclosed from the start, would have made the treatment process a lot easier for them (hence, “everybody lies”). But what a fun medical mystery ride it was!

“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.”

― André Malraux

Why lie? In most cases, we tell lies or hide our truths because we are afraid. We fear being judged, shamed or exposed as something less than. Perhaps we wish to avoid confrontation and believe its easier to behave deceitfully. Ironically, we end up deceiving and harming our own heart and psyche the most when we don’t express the truth of ourselves.

The 7 of Swords is often shown depicting a figure who is slinking away “from the scene of the crime”. Thievery is implied, as the figure is seen sneaking off with 5 swords that are assumed not to belong to him. Yet, as seen in the above card from The Dark Mansion Tarot, two swords are left behind. Is this thief able to steal in moderation or increments? Maybe he couldn’t carry all seven swords and will return later for the other two. Or maybe the assumption is incorrect, and the swords really do belong to him.

In the Bohemian Gothic Tarot, the woman illustrated in the 7 of Swords holds a book tightly to her chest as she leaves grounds/ wealthy property under the guise of nighttime. Her eyes shift to the side as if she’s checking to make sure she is not noticed. Its very likely she knows she is getting away with something and there is a suspicious aura emanating from her. 7 of Swords asks us to look at the ways in our lives and interactions where we feel the need to be cunning. Who are we not being honest with and why?

If we’re lying to others, we ultimately are lying to ourselves. More often than not, the lies we tell to other people come back to haunt us, and it can be expected that we will eventually be found out. The 7 of Swords card also prompts us to consider the ways our own suspicious nature might be impacting our relationships. What can you do to drop defenses and be more open?

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New Moon In Scorpio: Confronting Your Shadows

As we begin the descent into winter (hi there, Northern Hemisphere friends), the New Moon in Scorpio asks us to take a look at those parts of ourselves we often hold in secret. Perhaps these are the areas in our lives where we have difficulty acknowledging a long-held belief about ourselves or where haunting past experiences are cemented in our subconscious. New Moons are a time to consider what it is we want to manifest, where new beginnings are needed. What do you desire in the upcoming days leading up to the next Full Moon?

I’ve put together mini-readings for each of the astrological signs based on the context of the New Moon in Scorpio energy. You may want to consider checking your rising and/or moon sign as well for some insights on what to focus on for this New Moon.

Disclaimer: these readings are for entertainment purposes only; if something resonates with you, take it. If it doesn’t, simply move on.

Aries: Decisions + 4 of Pentacles

It’s time to examine the choices you’ve been making lately, Aries. More specifically, what is guiding your decision-making process? Are you coming from a place of fear/lack or from a place of love/abundance? The 4 of Pentacles suggests you’re operating from a scarcity mindset. You might be holding on too tightly to what you believe is yours out of fear of losing the very things that are important to you. The problem with this process is, in your desire for security and stability, you may inadvertently be closing off abundant energy from flowing toward you. You make safe choices that keep you stagnant and block resources, people, and rewarding experiences from coming into your life. This New Moon, consider setting an intention to draw increased emotional stability into your life and take steps toward making healthier decisions that align with what you truly value.

Taurus: Look To Nature + 2 of Wands

Many pagans and wandering witchy-folk build personal restoration through spending time in natural surroundings. My wayward Taurean souls are no exception: you are especially delighted by and sensitive to the sights, sounds, smells and senses of the seasons and what nature has to offer. This connection to nature resonates with you on a spiritual level and it is here where your personal power is reclaimed. The 2 of Wands is all about inspiring originality and acting on your passions. You have goals you’ve been contemplating but perhaps have been in need of a spark to get things moving. In much of the Northern Hemisphere, the autumnal season is past its apex, as the seemingly bleaker, stark landscape looms. But it is the warmth found in the heart of Taurus that can be drawn upon to fan the flames of creativity and motivate you toward achieving your goals. Be revived by the “cozy season”.

Gemini: A Warning + King of Cups

It would be wise to pay attention to signs, symbols, and synchronicities right now, Gemini. Your intuition will not let you down. King of Cups suggests that you’ve been letting your emotions get the better of you and you may have been caught up in your feelings lately. What might you need to do to relieve your melancholy? Is there a creative way you can express the emotional chaos that’s been brewing inside of you? You’re not one to get stuck in self-pity for very long, yet sometimes its easy to get addicted to the drama. This New Moon, allow yourself to get swept up in the things you find beautiful: art, poetry, music, nature, the esoteric, etc. When you lose yourself in creative expression, you heal what hurts in your soul.

Cancer: Trust + 10 of Pentacles

This New Moon is about knowing and believing, Cancer. Believe that your desire for abundance and stability is indeed attainable. Trust in your ability to design the future you dream of. You’ve heard of the concept like attracts like? Spend time this New Moon naming all that you have to be grateful for. Now is a time to enjoy what you’ve achieved since the previous New Moon, and take time to note the goodness you have already received or experienced. The more you open yourself in gratitude, the more the Universe blesses you with.

Leo: Chaos + Page of Cups

What’s been going on with my Leo loves? It seems you’ve been caught up in a tornado of emotion and are feeling trapped in frustrations. Page of Cups speaks of a craving for fulfillment or being haunted by longings. This New Moon is a time to reflect on the things that inspire wonder in you. What captivates your imagination? You’re being called to find joy in the fanciful and the whimsical. Explore what your dreams mean. Invite and be nourished by what enchants you.

Virgo: Chaos + 2 of Wands

My dear Virgo, you’ve been struggling and feel as though you’ve lost your way. Its as if you’re at war with yourself, and we both know that you have the power to direct that energy toward more productive places. During this New Moon, dedicate some time to concentrate your power toward the things that nurture and glorify your unique spirit. Today is for standing firm in your beliefs. Focus on self-development and on expanding on what it is that makes you, you.

Libra: Sorrow + 6 of Swords

It’s been a period of mourning for Libra. You’re ready to move on from a stale situation and might find that asking for help can also be of great benefit to you right now. This New Moon is here to aid you in finding courage in a difficult time. The sorrow you feel will be the medicine that fosters spiritual illumination and growth. With endings come new horizons to reach toward and the discovery of new and enlightening truths. Ask for what you need and you’ll get it.

Scorpio: Death + Page of Cups

How synchronous to draw the Death card for Scorpio on the day of the Scorpio New Moon. And this has been a heavy time of life transitioning for you. Scorpio souls are often quite fierce but like all souls, there is sometimes a fear of the unknown that comes with change or loss. Take solace in knowing that what has been lost can also remind you that perhaps it was never meant to be attained in the first place. You have the opportunity to be free from what has constrained you. Be seduced by your own love of life and let your hunger for something different lead you forward.

Sagittarius: The Lovers + 5 of Swords

Sagittarius, why are you so afraid to be vulnerable? You long to share with a kindred spirit, yet you fear rejection and loss so much that it prevents complete connections with others. This is a New Moon for confronting old wounds and doing away with fantasies that get you nowhere. Maybe you’ve been trying too hard that you’ve lost your sense of equilibrium. The old boundaries need to come down. The negative experiences that have led you to this place can transform you, but first you need to let the phantom pains go once and for all.

Capricorn: Trust + Justice

All will be well, Capricorn, have faith and it will be so. The peace you seek is achievable once you learn to accept what was done is in the past, and recognize its time to recalibrate under this New Moon. This is also a good opportunity to do some healing work so you can ground and center yourself before moving forward. Deep breaths. Trust in the process.

Aquarius: Protection + 3 of Wands

Aquarius souls take pride in their independent nature. But sometimes its necessary to rely on others for comfort and right now, you need to lean on someone for support (or perhaps someone needs your support?). It can be difficult for you to trust and lately, you may be feeling as though nothing good ever happens. The 3 of Wands reminds you that you can trust and anticipate that goodness will be found again. The hopes and promises you hold will be fulfilled.

Pisces: Let Go + The Moon

Pisces, you may want to consider what no longer holds purpose or meaning for you during this New Moon. You have emotional wounds that need to be released . Ask yourself where it is you’re feeling lost or confused right now. Keep in mind, the Moon card can sometimes trick us into believing in something that isn’t really there. The Moon tarot card also happens to be associated with the sign of Pisces…who often delights in exploring the planes of the subconscious. You are likely to find your muse in the shadows and in the mysterious. Pay attention to what is going on your dreams, as they may very well shed light and help you to let go of what’s been blocking you.

Decks used: Oracle of Echoes by Ana Tourian | Steampunk Tarot by Barbara Moore and Aly Fell